Markets NASL Should Target That MLS Won’t – Part II: The Untapped Markets 16 Feb 2016Featured, nasl, expansion, MLS, usl, El Paso, las vegas, chattanooga, birmingham, tucson, grand rapids, hartford, hartford city fc, fc tucson, inland empire, virginia beach, providenceChris Kivlehan This article is Part II in a series covering markets that could be excellent fits for NASL that MLS is unlikely to... Read More5
As NASL Goes West, It Must Return to Texas 24 Jan 2016Featured, nasl, MLS, usl, El Paso, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, TexasChris Kivlehan The San Antonio Scorpions faded away last autumn to little fanfare. With their death came the birth of San Antonio USL, whose... Read More1