Be Here Now

Be Here Now

Be Here Now

By Alan Chapman


The shared experience of live soccer isn’t only about watching your team. It’s not just the game, the smoke, or the flags. We love this game because it moves us, sometimes up and sometimes down, all the way through elation, frustration, and disappointment. To those who don’t watch soccer our obsession doesn’t make any sense. It’s boring; they fall over all the time; there’s not enough goals; on and on and on.

The faces in these photographs will be familiar to anyone who has attended a live game. Whoever you support, whatever color the shirts, regardless of if there is a local rival or not, we all share the same emotions. Maybe not the badge on the shirt or the logo on the flag; but the shared sense of caring about something.

In 2026 a lot of people you know who don’t care about the game or your team will be forcing their freshly minted expert opinions on you like you hadn’t been here all along. So why wait? Why wait for them to fall in love with the game? Why wait for them to experience the emotional highs and lows that we already know soccer provides? Bring them along today and avoid the rush. Live, local soccer? Be here now.

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